It's that time of the month again to post my update on Sprinkle of Glitter's 7 Things, is it just me or are the months going faster and faster.
My first thing was to get back in target with Slimming World I am claiming this as a success as I lost 3lbs to get back to my target weight. I have since been on holiday and missed two weigh in's so not looking forward to this Thursday.
Secondly I wanted to sort out my recipes I have made a start on this and to be honest I didn't really grasp how time consuming this would be. I have gone through one magazine and written out all the recipes we wanted to keep and made a start on the second.
I also wanted to relax and make more time for myself this month I did have a lovely relaxing holiday but the rest of the month has been rather stressful.
I haven't sorted out my knitting stash at all
Again I started my PTOTD tweets but then I missed a couple of days and also didn't have great wi-fi on holiday so didn't do very well on this one.
Making time for my boyfriend didn't really work out this month as planned as he worked away in Mansfield for the the majority of the month. We did spend a lot of time together on holiday and when he was back at the weekends, I even went to the football so guess I did as much as I could.
I did take lots of photo's at the wedding I went to, and took more on holiday then I did last year.
Overall not a bad month.
In October I will
1) Continue to sort through my recipes and recycle the magazines they came from.
2) Keep up to date with my studying I have started my AAT Level 4 and I am determined to keep on top of it so when my exams come round I don't have hours of catching up and can just get on with the revision.
3) Finish reading Emma I didn't take it on holiday as I only have all Jane Austen's novels in one book, but I really want to finish and start cracking on with The Big Read
4) Start planning for Christmas. I always end up buying everything in December and really struggle financially so want to start buying bits and pieces in October so I can enjoy the festive period.
5) Curb my spending I am going to try and not buy any cosmetics or nail polish until I go to Manchester in December unless it is an essential and I don't have anything in my stash I could use.
6) Blog more, I have lots of posts I want to write I just need to get on and write them.
7) Knit something however small, maybe now the weather is changing I will be able to get back into it.
Is anyone else taking part in Sprinkle of Glitter's 7 Things?
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